Inverter How It Works

Inverter How It Works

Inverter How It Works

Inverter How It Works an inverter is an electrical circuit that transforms direct current into alternating current at a given voltage and frequency to understand how exactly it works we should consider the following two situations when the AC mains power supply is available and when it is not available 

let’s consider situation one when you have uninterrupted power supply at home the mains AC power from the electricity grid is passed through an inverter to power the load at home directly it also converts the AC power from grid into DC power in order to charge the battery through the battery wires until it is fully charged now let’s consider situation two when there is a power cut and you need to run a household appliance yes you can still operate it by using an inverter

just connect your power inverter to a battery and plug your AC devices into the inverter the inverter uses to store the DC power in the battery and converts it into AC power in order to run appliances at home at the time of power cut here only those appliances will work which you have wired to work with inverter inverters are absolutely necessary at homes and offices in areas that experience frequent power cuts Inverter How It Works